Sunday, June 27, 2010

You Stay Classy, Joe

In case you missed it:

The Vice President, again, opens up his mouth and puts his foot in it. I'm sorry, but last time I looked, Americans want to look up to their leaders, but behavior like this makes it really hard to do so. But like his boss, he has created a pattern over the years with his comments, which leads Americans to draw conclusions:

- Dropping the F Bomb on camera
- Not looking before calling out someone who cannot walk
- Confusing Barack Obama with Superman
- Racist speech
- Racist speech #2
- Braggadocio
- This new science fiction program

Justice Clarence Thomas, in his autobiography, (which I recommend) provides an accurate look into the personality and demeanor of Joe Biden, which is accurate as it aligns with the previously posted clips.

Dick Cheney may have told a Senator to "f***" Himself once, but he never lied about his achievements, made racist statements or acted like a buffoon in public. In fact, I remember a moment when in the 2004 Vice-Presidential Debate, John Edwards disgraced himself in using Dick Cheney's daughter's sexual orientation as a political issue. It angered Cheney's family and he could have directly responded, but instead, took the classy road. I would hope that Biden eventually takes a lesson from this as in his current state, I cannot look up to him as a leader. There was a time when we taught our children to look up to the president and vice president, but that was something we had trouble doing for the first time between January 20, 1993, and January 20, 2001. Again, many Americans have trouble looking up to the president and vice president and that is unfortunate.

It will be interesting to see if Biden stays on the ticket for 2012 as I believe that is open for debate.

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