Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Meeting Paul Ryan

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of traveling to West Chester, Pennsylvania for a rally at the American Helicopter Museum headlined by Paul Ryan.

The rally was held on the front lawn of the museum, with three military choppers as a backdrop. I arrived early in order to guarantee a spot in the front and along the rope line, assuming he goes near the supporters, as the headliner usually does at the conclusion of his or her speech. About 2500 loyal Romney/Ryan supporters joined me to come out to support the ticket and hear the speeches, which focused on how Romney and Ryan will bring about an economic recovery, as well as to improve the business climate of Southeast Pennsylvania.

Then, the big moment happened: Paul Ryan came out on stage. In person, he was able to, in a clear, concise and optimistic manner, articulate Conservatism, while drawing clear comparisons to the errors and failures of the Obama agenda. Ryan does not speak with a teleprompter and fosters excitement of his supporters. Here is an excerpt of his speech.

At the conclusion of his speech, as a result of my spot along the rope line, I was able to meet the potential Vice President, shake his hand and get my picture taken with him. As can be seen from the picture which is posted below, there was a slight mishap by the photographer due to the glare and the speed at which Ryan was being moved across the rope line. Despite that flub, it was an excellent rally, the law enforcement officials there to protect were thorough, professional and kind, and the 2500 gathered Conservatives were nice people who are excited about the prospect for a change.

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