Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Unprofessional Behavior by "Professionals"

In aiding the union protesters in Madison, Wisconsin, doctors are now writing fake excuse notes in order to give the teachers who are on "sick-outs" the legal cover needed for them to attend the protests, instead of teaching their children. These exchanges have been caught on video.

In New Jersey, abuse of sick days is "theft of service" and depending on the district, can lead to the following: non-renewal (if not tenured), an eventual revocation of tenure, certification revocation, and even loss of pension. The Wisconsin law is similar. Furthermore, the doctors are committing fraud by writing out the sick letters and with all their years of study and preparation should know that "I'm sick of Scott Walker" is a figure of speech. At least the Wisconsin Medical Examining Board is following this up and may hold these physicians accountable for committing fraud.

In New Jersey, New Jersey Administrative Code Titles 6, 6A and 18A govern all public education institutions, I keep copies of the statutes in my personal library and it is sad that most teachers do not do this, let alone know the laws. Because I keep these statutes handy, I follow each and every law to the T and find it very upsetting when I see educators who do not, and because they are tenured, do not face any accountability for their actions. This has been witnessed on many occasions and is my biggest pet peeve about educator management. Furthermore, not abiding by the rules/law can not only put the educator in legal danger, but it sends the wrong message to the students, as they're required to follow procedure, yet the teachers are not. Especially if the students find out about teacher transgressions, it could lead to classroom management issues and prevent the learning process from progressing smoothly.

Scott Brown may not go "PATCO" on these employees who have broken the law, yet he doesn't seem to give indication that he will give in, thus, keeping a campaign promise, and setting precedent to other governors who are attempting to implement similar campaign promises.

UPDATE: FNC's Griff Jenkins goes right into the crowd to see the doctors writing the fake sick notes and the teachers proudly admitting to it.

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