I love Florida for so many reasons! It's nice to escape the Northeast for warmer pastures during the winters, I have many family and friends down this way and one other important reason: DISNEY!!! But also, Florida is a key state in American politics as over the years, it has become an integral state in determining which party in Washington is the majority. A large and ever-growing state, Florida is a state of political contrasts: the north and the panhandle tend to vote Republican, southwest Florida (below Tampa) tends to vote Republican, south Florida (where a very large percentage of the state's population resides) between Fort Lauderdale and Miami tend to vote Democrat, and Central Florida is up for grabs.

Known as the I-4 Corridor, the highway that cuts across Central Florida from Tampa through Orlando and to Daytona beach is a fascinating region for political scientists to study, not only due to its meteoric growth, but its political patterns. I will include Space Coast region south of Daytona beginning at Titusville to Palm Bay in the I-4 Corridor(as it is considered part of the Orlando Metropolitan Area) of Central Florida. This area of Florida first started to grow when the Kennedy Space Center opened on Cape Canaveral, military installations and the inception of the University of South Florida allowed the Tampa Bay area to grow, but it was the decision by Walt Disney to locate his Florida Walt Disney Resort in an undeveloped area of Southern Orange and Northern Osceola Counties just south of Orlando that cemented Central Florida as a major population center. Disney has continued to grow, spawning competing resorts, and new businesses to serve the ever increasing number of tourists.
As a result of Florida's reputation of a tax haven combined with its climate, new businesses, corporations, individuals and families see Florida as a prime area to locate. Since the 1990s, I have observed the residential growth along I-4 between Orlando and Tampa, as well as the increased traffic level. As a result of these new populations, the voting patterns is this region are not consistent. Historically Republican, the cities of Orlando and Tampa have trended Democrat and the suburban areas are truly swing. North of Orlando is The Villages, a sprawling retirement community that also affects voting patterns of this region.
Examining the recent voting patterns of this region, George W. Bush won the majority of votes in 2000 and 2004, but after the Congressional Midterm elections of 2006, Democrats began to gain a share of the seats and it grew in 2008 as President Barack Obama won a major share of votes in the I-4 Corridor that helped him clinch Florida's electoral votes, despite John McCain's heavy showing in Northern Florida and the northern counties of the Orlando Metro Area. Attempting to cement his victory in Florida and this region, President Obama and the Democrats have highly touted, as well as funded the High Speed Rail Line that will be built between Ybor City (Tampa) and Orlando International Airport, with stops in Lakeland, Disney and the Orange County Convention Center. Despite this upcoming project, it looks as though the politics of the I-4 Corridor are shifting again as we approach the Midterm Election. Unemployment (U3) in the Orlando region is at 11.9%! Central Florida voters also feel abandoned by Washington, especially seniors.
Who will take the hits for this? My belief it that it will be Democrats, especially Congressional Democrats in Central Florida elected since Democrats began to have more of an influence since 2006. Let's look at them.
Alan Grayson: Elected to Congress in 2008, Alan Grayson represents the 8th District of Florida. A trial lawyer and committed liberal, Grayson has heavily supported the Obama Administration from the Health Care Bill to the Stimulus. He is also known for his untrue and over the top rants and outbursts not only on the radio and MSNBC, but in Florida, as this clip shows, in his mission to get attention. His 8th District voters have observed his liberal voting record and heard him flap his big mouth. Opposing Grayson this fall is Daniel Webster, who in addition to being a businessman, has served in the Florida House and Senate.
Suzanne Kosmas: Elected to Congress in 2008, Kosmas represents the 24th District and prior to her service in Congress, she was the owner of a real estate firm and has also served in the Florida House. During her time in Congress, Kosmas fashioned herself as a "Blue Dog Democrat" however, she has walked in lock step with Obama and the Democrats, even going so far as to switching her NO vote to YES on the Health Care Bill. The overall conservative voters of the 24th have been angered by her liberal voting record, as well as her pattern of not attending town hall meetings. Running against Kosmas this fall is Florida Representative Sandy Adams, who according to recent polls, is favored to defeat Kosmas this fall.
I believe that both these incumbents will be defeated. The National Republicans and other organizations are putting high hopes into these two districts and there is already a very convincing ad running in both these districts:
Not only in the I-4 Corridor and on the Space Coast, but throughout the state of Florida, I believe the Republicans will prevail, including the statewide elections of Pam Bondi, Rick Scott and Marco Rubio. Voters have had enough of the lies, liberal agenda, ignoring of their voices and dirty politics. (and are still seeing more of it, as just happened with Allen West)
The I-4 Corridor will forever play a major role in Florida politics as we have seen, so goes this region, goes Florida.
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