Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Intellectual Honesty of Ed Koch

I don't always agree with former New York City Mayor Ed Koch, but I do respect him for his intellectual honesty and the fact that he got it right on a few occasions. Well, he did it again in a recent column on Sarah Palin. While he doesn't agree with her on a lot of issues, he respects her for standing up for herself, thinks she is an effective voice for those who endorse her ideology and believes her to be the epitome of the American dream.

Last night, Palin was interviewed on Hannity, her first interview since the shooting in Tucson. This is another example of Palin showing resolve, courage and grace in the line of fire.

"I'm thankful for the opportunity to have to speak for many and I will continue to do so. I feel very blessed to be in the position I am and I'll take the darts and the arrows because I know others have my back and I have their back."
She's not going anywhere!

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