Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sarah Palin Responds

Sarah Palin has commented on the shooting in Arizona and responded to those who have defamed her, attempting to connect her to to Jared Lee Loughner.

Again, Sarah Palin rises above the petty and morally repugnant rhetoric of those who want to harm her. With class and grace, she denounces the act of this lone nutcase, while responding to the attacks and exposing their hypocrisy by reminding Americans those detractors are doing exactly what they preach against!

She also cites the enduring strength of America, the importance of the First Amendment in our history, how it has and should be used for peaceful dissent and how we must protect it for generations to come. The most memorable quote of the speech, one that I think should be notable for those who study Palin, is as follows:

"It is the hour of when our values were challenged that we must remain resolve to protect those values."
In an examination of her response, Sarah Palin was articulate and sounded very "presidential." Her words invoked the memory of Ronald Reagan, his eternal optimism, embracing of American exceptionalism and the ode to John Wintrhrop that America is a "shining city on a hill." I'm sure those on the left will hate the speech and her, as a result that they are threatened by her, but again, Sarah Palin prevails, and good for her!

UPDATE 1/12/11: And they didn't wait. Apparently, some out there don't like Sarah's use of the phrase "Blood Libel" and are trying to make the insinuation she is either anti-Semitic or stupid. Surprise, surprise, attorney Alan Derschwitz, who is heavily left leaning, defends her use of the term "Blood Libel." The leftists and anti-Palinites are sure getting desperate!

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