The picture you see above (from the National Archives) shows the last view many of our bravest Americans saw in their lives. As soon as those doors opened, the chance of death increased and many did not even make it ashore. Today, June 6th, is the 66th Anniversary of the D-Day Invasion, the amphibious landings by the Allies on the shores of Normandy. Our brave soldiers faced what seemed to be insurmountable odds: landing on fortified shores with the German soldiers having the high ground, advancing into Europe and eventually into Berlin. But they did it! It was this battle that allowed for freedom from Nazism and Fascism to occur in Europe.
These brave Americans accepted the calling to defend their country and those who came home were leaders in building the United States into the nation we know today. What these brave Americans went through is depicted in Saving Private Ryan (WARNING: GRAPHIC images in the linked movie clip) and for that, we should be grateful in honoring their memory and their sacrifice in spreading the American ideals of freedom and liberty to foreign shores.
These brave Americans accepted the calling to defend their country and those who came home were leaders in building the United States into the nation we know today. What these brave Americans went through is depicted in Saving Private Ryan (WARNING: GRAPHIC images in the linked movie clip) and for that, we should be grateful in honoring their memory and their sacrifice in spreading the American ideals of freedom and liberty to foreign shores.
I'd be remiss if that in light of the day's singificance, I forgot to make a recommendation for the next time any of you are in Washington DC...visit the National World War II Memorial. This is quickly becoming my favorite memorial on The Mall! It's soaring and moving all in one while providing an appropriate remembrance from those who saved the world from Naziism and Fascism!