In the years I have been following politics, I have never been excited about a Congressional Election here in CD-6. For years, Frank Pallone has served as our Congressman and the pattern has been a gimme that he would go back to Washington every two years to "represent" us. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I am now excited! I'm excited that once and for all, we can send Frank Pallone back to Long Branch (which is a pretty nice place to be...I mean, it's Long Branch) and not have to endure his apathy toward those of us in the 6th that don't support big government policies. His defeat could also save New Jersey from having to deal with him as many believe he is prime for statewide office...losing this seat will prevent that from happening.
And it's all because of Diane Gooch that Frank Pallone is vulnerable. As I said in an earlier blog entry, I have met Diane and have been following her campaign since its inception. I am impressed with her passionate speaking and common sense policy ideas to save our 6th and collectively, take back this country from big government policies that leave out the 47% that did not vote that way nationally in 2008. And I'm not the only one in the 6th who feels this way! Diane has been traveling around the district and many have heard what she has to say and like what she has to say. The large group (larger than expected) that gathered last night in Red Bank also feels this way. They see her proposals and ideas as solutions and as I stated in my introductory entry, that's exactly what I want our politicians to provide as that is leadership!
Let's look at Diane's background. Her detractors would accuse her of having no experience. I disagree! Her business background makes her that much of a stronger candidate because she had a hand in creating jobs in the district as a small businesswoman. She understands what needs to be done for jobs to be created and the conditions that must be in place. A career politician does not understand this and we have seen this thought process followed through as the policy that Pallone has supported has not created jobs. (and the health care legislation will be a further impediment to job creation) The premise that someone with a business background can be successful in government has not only been followed through in real life, but in fiction, as in Tom Clancy's Executive Orders (excellent read...highly recommended), where Jack Ryan, as President, rebuilds the government and appoints individuals with no political experience, but business experience as they have been successful in putting theory into practice, just as Diane has. She has proven her leadership abilities and I look forward to watching her represent the 6th in Congress.
This is a busy weekend and my Republican friends in the 6th, we must realize that Diane Gooch is the superior candidate in our party, she has run a positive campaign, and she has solutions for issues that affect every member of the 6th. Without Diane, Frank Pallone will continue to rule the 6th. So I again implore you to go to the polls this Tuesday and vote for Diane to represent our party in the Midterm Election this fall. I guarantee you, with Diane, the 6th will not be a 'safe district' for the Democrats anymore and will be the surprise of the 2010 Midterms.
I will leave you with Diane's radio ad as I look forward to celebrating a victory on Tuesday night. Let's all make that possible!
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ReplyDeleteSince this is my blog, I will not permit the personal attacks on Diane Gooch in that diatribe, which sound just like Michael Mangan's rant from a few months ago. I'm sure we would have heard more about them if there were proof, but to me it sounds like lies and desparation in the bottom of the 9th...similar to the attacks Tea Party members received in the lead-up to the healthcare vote. Those attacks could not be proven just as yours cannot. And so what if she's wealthy...she did not start out that way and earned her wealth. I admire that as do most Americans and members of the 6th. We should stick to the issues!
ReplyDeleteAnd to follow up, here are some Businessmen/women who have effectively served/serving in Congress:
- Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI)
- Senator Johnny Isakson(R-GA)
- Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC)
- Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
- Former Congressman, the late Robert Franks (R-NJ)
- Congressman David Dreier (R-CA)
- Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA)
- Congressman Duncan Hunter(R-CA)
- Governor (and former Congressman) Bobby Jindal (R-LA)
There's a few...hope that satisfies and provides you with more "credibility." And we'll add Diane to the list...and I was referring to the financial services company she started with her husband. As a result of their successes, she was able to purchase the Two River Times.