Saturday, June 12, 2010

Leadership on this day in History

"Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate. Mr. Gorbachev...TEAR DOWN THIS WALL"

On this day, 23 years ago, Ronald Reagan stood in West Berlin, in front of Brandenburg Gate and gave that speech. His speechwriters actually removed that phrase at least twice prior to it being re-inserted as they thought it to be too confrontational.

Ronald Reagan epitiomized strong leadership. He believed there was a means to an end and for that end to be reached, the means had to be traversed, even if it wouldn't be considered politically correct or to the liking of everyone. In looking at the Soviet Union and Cold War, Reagan looked to end the period of detente which had been the way through the 1970s. To end the Soviet Union's domination of its people and Eastern Europe, he had to show them America was not afraid to face them head on, he had to show America's economic strengths and he had to show American Exceptionalism to the Soviet world. He showed that America is a force for good in the world, will spread liberty, is firmly against evil and will not/does not need to apologize for this belief in exceptionalism. During the 1980s, Reagan may have been chided and castigated by his enemies, but he was right! By the end of his presidency, glasnost and perestroika had taken hold and into Bush 41, the Berlin Wall had fallen, with the eventual dissolution of the Soviet Union. Without Ronald Reagan's steadfast leadership, this would not have been possible. Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II would not have had the backing of the United States in support of their respective roles in ending the Cold War.

Americans, Europeans and the Russian people enslaved under the Communist system should be thankful for Ronald Reagan's leadership, the world is a better place for it and it is my hope, as well as many in the United States, that someone follows the model of Reagan in serving as our next president.

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