The title of this entry is my advice to the GOP Leadership in the House. Looking back at the Midterm Election of 2010, voters backed the Republicans as a repudiation of the Obama agenda; and this includes the Healthcare Reform Act. There was wide-ranging discontent, and it wasn't only among Republicans, especially when one considers how independents heavily broke for the Republicans. It makes Conservatives like myself nervous when we hear about tweaking Healthcare, as opposed to repealing. Doing the former instead of the latter will be a death knell for the Republicans as the majority of the candidates promised their constituencies they would fight for repeal. I am pleased to hear John Boeher go on record about Health Care:
As a result of his interview with Brett Baier, the presumptive speaker's plan is as clear as day:
"Trust me, I'm going to make sure this health care bill is never, ever, ever is implemented!"Hearing this gives me more confidence in John Boehner, but he must stick by his words. The courts could help, as the cases in Florida and Virginia have been allowed to move forward. Considering that one of these cases in is the Eastern District Court of Virginia, home of the "rocket docket," this could make its way to the Supreme Court quicker than we think. Republicans, however, cannot bank on this and must take a vote on this issue and get the members of the House on record. It won't get past the Senate and the president will likely veto it, but the House vote will give their constituents evidence that they stood by principle.
Standing on principle in the Conservative Movement, is important to the voters, and therefore, should be consistently adhered to by their representatives in Congress.
Many pundits will tell you that Republicans lost the 2006 Midterm Elections as a result of Bush fatigue and Iraq. I have a secret for you: they're wrong! That Midterm was lost because the Republican Party leadership abandoned their Conservative principles of smaller government and federal spending. During the Bush years, spending was out of control! President Bush was always a big spender, but Congress should have stood on their principles and stood up to the president. Because they didn't, voters either stayed home or voted Democrat.
Since 2006, the Republicans were on life support as a result of their repudiation of Conservatism. History has shown us from Nixon, to Reagan, to George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004 that when the Republican Party endorses Conservatism, they win! This is what happened in 2010, as the Tea Party voters and candidates smartly joined in with the Republican Party to bring it back from the dead.
Marco Rubio and other Republicans have said the party is on probation and the voters will be watching. The ball is in their court. Voters will be looking for their representatives to stand on principle and in this political climate, this means they must stand by their principles and do what they promised: repealing health care, lowering taxes and articulating/teaching Conservative ideals. Those battles may not be won, and the voters understand the situation, but will be happy they are fighting the war while standing by their principles.
In an examination of political history and containing a knowledge of their constituents, the path of the Congressional Republicans should be clear. As Rush stated in response to this historic and enormous victory,
"The winners state the terms, the losers compromise."
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