Friday, November 19, 2010

Yawning in Class

A professor at Cornell University recently became quite agitated in class the other day. With the proliferation of technology, the reaction to his interrupted lecture appears on YouTube.

This video brings up a few questions:
- Was the professor's reaction appropriate?
- Why do the student's act with a lack of decorum?
- Can something be done to "teach" decorum and manners at that age?

Coming from an educator's point of view, it needed to be said, the student was rude/classless, was likely not taught or given expectations, and manners can always be taught (even if the parents do not teach them), but they apparently weren't in this classroom. The best way to avoid this situation is to place in writing, expectations and limits within the a syllabus and consistently enforce the policy. When and if the professor eventually finds out the offender, it is safe to say the rest of the semester will not be an enjoyable one for that student.

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