A very interesting article appeared on Fox News's website today...how to honor those who gave their lives in Iraq.
As occurred in Germany in World War II and in Vietnam, monuments have been set up in Iraq to memorialize the death of a US Soldier. With America's waning presence in Iraq, these monuments will likely come back to The States, but it is still in the air where they will be displayed. The article speaks of the Smithsonian taking possession and also a wing at the US Air Force Museum on Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio.
What the article does not mention is something I'd like to see in my lifetime: a monument on the Mall in Washington DC, along the Reflecting Pool, dedicated to American soldiers who gave their lives in the War on Terror. It could be moving and soaring all in one and yes, there is still room! I have tons of ideas about this and reading this article got me brainstorming. Some of these Iraq Memorials could even be included. Also, family members could leave items there, similar to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. (on the subject of the VVM, a recommended read: Shrapnel in the Heart: Letters and Remembrances from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial)
Regardless of one's position on the War on Terror, a National Mall memorial is imperative as it is the best way to memorialize these brave Americans who gave their lives to protect our freedom and keep terrorist attacks from occurring on American soil.
Do you have any ideas for a National Mall memorial?
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