May have missed it by almost 15 minutes, but on October 13, 2010, Margaret Thatcher celebrates her 85th Birthday! "The 'Right' Solutions" wishes her a Happy Birthday and wants to take a moment to reflect upon her contributions to Great Britain and the world, as they truly were Right Solutions!
A few months ago, I analyzed one of my favorite books: John O'Sullivan's The President, The Pope and The Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World. Margaret Thatcher is prominently featured, as is her role in bringing about the end of the Cold War.
Thatcher came to power in 1979 in Great Britain, at a time when Keynesian economics were killing Great Britain, suffocating strikes were further shutting down the economy and the Soviet Union was challenging Western Europe's influence on the continent and in the world. During her time as Prime Minister, even after an assassination attempt by the IRA, Thatcher never backed down, while also using Reagan's strategy of optimism and humor in a time of strife. She is noted for bringing about reforms that allowed Britain to have an economic resurgence, as well as leading Britain's military resurgence in showing the firepower of the Royal Army, while bringing about national pride. Most noteworthy, she will be remembered for her disdain of Soviet Union and socialism, as she so eloquently stated in a memorable session of the Prime Minister's Questions.
Thatcher allied with Reagan as the West shifted away from detente into exposing the Soviet Union for what it was, an evil empire, and bringing about its peaceful defeat, one Gorbachev came to power; a man that Thatcher told Reagan, "We can do business with."
I will always remember the "Iron Lady" as one of of the great leaders and Prime Ministers who saved the United Kingdom and returned her to greatness. In 2010 in the United States, many up and coming female politicians from Sarah Palin to Kristi Noem to Christine O'Donnell to Carly Fiorina should (and do) look to her as a role model. May Margaret Thatcher have many more Happy Birthdays with us!
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