Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Journey, Part VIII: Making the Sausage

Being involved with politics since my time as a student at Drew University, whether in classes or as College Republicans President, I have been fortunate to have an up close and personal view of politics. Some years have been closer, some have been more on the edge of the loop, but I've always kept my head in it in some way or another.

To this day, in information I read, stories I hear from friends (and sources for The Calling to Lead), I am astonished by what goes on in both Trenton and Washington. (If constituents knew the truth, they'd be shocked...and maybe a little sickened!) While being astonished, I am also highly intrigued and it is this political drama that has made it into the storyline of The Calling to Lead. Not going to give too much away of it, but we'll see some "Inside Baseball" in both the political and campaign processes. I also need to profusely thank my sources as you folks helped fill in the blanks during those times I have been on the outer edge of the loop and were key in helping me to finish writing The Calling to Lead.

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