We've seen both small signals and big signals that the wheels have been falling off the wagon the past two years.
Big news on the polling front today. Gallup released their first "likely voter" poll of the Midterm election cycle and it has Republicans significantly prevailing in both a high voter turnout and low voter turnout scenario. If these numbers pan out, we could be talking some of the largest Republican majorities in Congress not since 1928! With this news, I remind those who want to make sure we send true leaders to Congress who endorse smaller government, lower taxes and a resurgence of true checks and balances in Washington, to not be complacent, stay involved, follow the news closely and be aware that the opposition will stop at nothing to stay in power! We've seen examples of this in Florida, Delaware and California. (I believe there is still yet more to come.) Most importantly, go to the polls on November 2nd and make your voices heard!
And on a side note, Obama will be hitting the road to Asia 2 days after the Midterm Elections...timing anyone?
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