Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Thought Police and the $2 Million Man

Trying to sneak this one by in the middle of the night totally blew up in their faces today! Last night about 11PM, it broke that National Public Radio (aka National Propagandist Radio, aka National Progressive Radio) fired Juan Williams, who regularly appears on the Fox News Channel because he made the following comments.

I have watched Juan Williams on Fox News for many years and yes, he is liberal, yes I disagree with much of what he says, but he fairly articulates his viewpoints and is intellectually honest. Two such examples are in his standing up for Justice Clarence Thomas during his confirmation, as well as Rush Limbaugh in his observation of the Democrat double standard on race. Also he wrote an excellent book titled Enough (shortened title). As a result, I respect him and would definitely sit down with him to have a Sam Adams while respectfully debating the issues. He is a good, fair journalist and to treat him in this degrading manner is disgusting!

I see nothing wrong with Williams's statement. It is not bigoted, he is thinking in a post-9/11 frame of mind. When flying, the most important thing one can do on the flight, so it is enjoyable, is to feel safe. Back in the 1970s before Con-Air got off the ground (pardon the pun), US Marshalls used to escort convicts in handcuffs and leg irons on a commerical jet. That would have freaked me out and yes, I would be concerned for my safety. In a post-9/11 world, people are more cognizant of the world and events around them, which is why individuals examine their immediate surroundings. I do this where ever I am, whether on a plane, on a city street or in the mall. On a plane, in a closed space where one does not have control over the movement and operation of the device, personal comfort and safety is imperative to achieving sanity and a good sense of personal mind for the duration of the flight. Therefore, the way someone is dressed can raise red flags. Garbs that Islamic individuals wear cover up the body and have may have the intention of hiding something, the same way wearing a heavy or long coat on the plane covers up the body, which would also cause me to raise a red flag to think that individual is hiding something. This examination is done on a larger scale in Israel and I could only imagine how the "thought police" would react to their society.

I repeat, Juan Williams DID NOT make a bigoted statement, especially when compared to what Nina Totenberg said years ago, who was not held to account for it. And a tip of the cap to the Fox News Channel for not only standing behind Juan Williams, but for giving him a significant pay raise in his new 3 year, $2 million contract.

Looking at the bigger picture, this incident is a clear assault on First Amendment rights. Williams touches on this in a column he wrote about the incident. If you don't tow the line, say what those running the show believe, you're toast. I have seen this in education, whereas a teacher who was showing negative campaign ads from both sides of the aisle for students to analyze, showed the first Swift Vets ad against John Kerry. That teacher was "talked to" even though she did nothing wrong. What she saw as educating students and allowing them to see all sides of the issue, her supervisor saw as unacceptable to introduce to the students, a clear violation of not only the First Amendment, but academic freedom. My First Amendment right allows me to teach my students to think critically and without the First Amendment, I could not have been able to write (and in the long term, have published and promote) The Calling to Lead. This 1984-like action sends chills down my spine and it should send chills down the spine of all Americans.

Thankfully, some politicians are speaking out and calling for the defunding of NPR. NPR jumped off the cliff on this one and their act of censorship and infringement of Juan Williams's First Amendment Rights may lead to their demise. In the years to come, these defunding calls may become a reality that should have happened a long time ago.

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