Lately, the Fine Young Cannibals song from the 1980s comes to mind when I think of Democrat reaction to Christine O'Donnell. And even though it's Sunday, they're at it again.
Every one's favorite liberal, Maureen Dowd, threw her fellow females under the bus today in her column, referring to them as "Mean Girls," attempting to discount their impact on this election cycle by comparing them to the Tina Fey written flick. And of course, she can't help herself in mentioning O'Donnell, referring to her as "sweet wanna-be Christine." If you ask me, her outrage is a bit of a double standard, as we'd never see her speak of Nancy, Hillary, Barbara or Diane in this fashion and she'd be on the firing lines attacking if anyone did. It was nice to see that former Bush Press Secretary, Dana Perino called Dowd out on her hypocrisy.
Next comes Meghan McCain, the daughter of Senator John McCain. On today's This Week, she tells Christiane Amanpour that Christine O'Donnell is a "nutjob." This young lady needs to learn two things. First, she should be grateful to Conservatives because one specific Conservative named Sarah Palin helped her father, and saved him from going down in history as being the next Walter Mondale or Barry Goldwater in terms of voter plurality by which they lose. And Sarah Palin came to the rescue again in 2010 by endorsing her father in his primary battle, leading him to defeating JD Hayworth. Second, Meghan McCain comments on her generation, claiming to "speak for young people." For someone who graduated from Columbia, and is supposedly intelligent, she's missing a few important tidbits of information:
(a) many of her 18-25 contemporaries (maybe not the ones she knows) got screwed over after voting Obama in that his policies are causing high levels of unemployment, and among that 18-25 set, this is the highest youth unemployment rate we've seen in years.
(b) social issues that she claims her generation cares about are moot if we are not safe (national security) or economically viable.
(c) as a Gen-Y, she should well realize the impact of September 11th that I have discussed in depth and should welcome someone that is near age in her who is willing to step up, serve the public and act as a leader. We will be looking for those people in years to come and as a fellow Gen-Xer of Christine O'Donnell, I'm glad to see her step up.
I don't see Meghan McCain as a serious person (I see her as marketing her image to sell her book), but unfortunately, many do and don't understand she is castigating Christine O'Donnell to benefit herself.
Let's face it...with Christine O'Donnell's campaign and attention she received, the Democrats are running scared. She strongly performed in her debate, is not backing down from Democrat attacks in the same fashion that Sarah Palin did not shy away, has doubled Coons in fundraising and cut his lead in half. Furthermore, both Obama and Biden came to Delaware on Friday to campaign for Coons. If Delaware were as in the bag as those on the left claim, the President and Vice President would not have made the trip, especially together, as it's their first joint appearance in the cycle. There is nervousness abound in the Democrat Party over the prospect of "Senator Christine O'Donnell." Their inability to understand her popularity and truly "get it" proves the Democrats (and some Republicans) to be grossly out of touch with the voters.
Christine O'Donnell will have another debate this week and I will look forward to seeing it. With two weeks to go, this election is far from over and despite what the polls say, this will, as I said before, go down to the wire!
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