Friday, October 29, 2010

A Reminder of the Most Important Issue

The Friday before the Midterm Election, news broke about a terrorist threat stemming from packages mailed from Yemen to selected targets in Chicago. The British intercepted these packages before they came over to the states to do their intended damage. Apparently, the same organization that sent the "Hanes Bomber" (my favorite nickname for this terrorist is still Rush's moniker, the "Fruit-of-Kaboom" bomber) has their hands on this attempt. This is the second foiled terrorist plot of the week, the first being the attempted bombings of Blue and Orange Line Washington Metro Stations in Arlington.

The fact that the terrorists are falling through the cracks, as we have seen in the past year due to Fort Hood, the Hanes Bomber, the Times Square Bomber and now these attempts tells me two things.

First, our enemies are still plotting against us. Even though our president tells us that we need to change our ways and end the practice of 'Bush Cowboy Diplomacy' so the world likes us better, our enemies still hate us. They see this change and while they are laughing, they are plotting, just like the bears and the wolves. Second, I think the policy of the Bush Administration in prosecuting the War on Terror has been successful; not perfect, but successful. The Obama Administration would be wise to use it as their blueprint. Think about it; we were not attacked after September 11. There were attempts, but I repeat, WE WERE NOT ATTACKED! Since January 2009, we've had one attack and three very close calls. It is the government's duty to keep us safe and to do that, they must successfully prosecute the War on Terror and use every weapon and opportunity necessary, whether securing the border, fully supporting the military or taking a lesson from El Al in how they protect their customers, to defeat our enemies.

To sum it up, when we vote, we must first ask the question, "What is the government doing to keep us safe?" In the practice of and response to Hope and Change, we must not forget about our National Security, as it should always be issue #1! Just one terrorist plot slipping by could have serious ramifications on our society, as well as impact how we do business and how we live our daily lives. If we are not safe and secure, every other issue, whether one espoused by the TEA Party or by the American left, will be moot. Having lived though 9-11, I think about this every time I go to the polls and it will surely impact my vote on Tuesday.

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